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An argument is a noun phrase (or sometimes adpositional phrase) that is required to cooccur with a verb (or other argument-taking expression).

In Generative syntax, Argument is a phrase which is a referential expression and which is associated with a theta-role assigned by a lexical head.


In the following sentences, the italicized noun phrases (or adpositional phrases) are arguments:

  • Tasaku bought a ticket on Friday.
  • Please give my regards to your husband.
  • On the boat the passengers rely on the captain.

The NPs John and apples in (i)a are arguments of eat and the embedded sentence in (i)b is an argument of obvious. The phrase next week in (ii) is not an argument (of visit), and is assigned no theta-role.

(i)  a  John eats apples
     b	 That you're in love is obvious

In Chomsky (1986a), arguments are construed as chains. Now we can say that in (iii) the theta-role of hit is assigned to the antecedent John, hence is associated with the argument (Johni, ti), which is a chain.

	(iii)	Johni was hit ti


Arguments are typically contrasted with adjuncts, i.e. noun phrases or adpositional phrases that are not syntactically required, but serve to modify the clause or another constituent.


in the formula P(a), a is called the argument of the predicate P. Generally, for a predicate with arity n, in P(a1,...,an), a1,...,an are called the arguments of P.



  • actant (Tesnière's term)
  • complement (though this term only refers to nonsubject arguments)


Argument also refers to


Utrecht Lexicon of Linguistics


  • Chomsky, N. 1986a. Knowledge of language: its nature, origin and use, Praeger, New York.
  • Chomsky, N. 1981. Lectures on Government and Binding, Foris, Dordrecht.

Other languages

German Argument French argument (fr) Russian аргумент