Meaning and use
Context dependence -- Cooperative Principle -- Felicity condition -- Fixed-context assumption -- Gricean maxims -- Implicature -- Meaning -- Meaning postulate -- Meaning theories -- Use-mention distinction
Denotation and reference
Binding -- Cataphoric relation -- Connotation -- Cumulative reference -- Denotation -- Extension -- Equivalence -- Individual constant -- Individual term -- Individual variable -- Intension -- Koreferenz
Interpretation and truth
Analytic truth -- Assignment -- Axiom -- Compositionality Principle -- Contingent truth -- Covert category -- Dual (semantics) -- External negation -- Idiom -- Internal negation -- Interpretive rules -- Katz-Postal-principle -- Left downward monotonicity -- Left upward monotonicity -- Meaning postulate -- Modal logic -- Monotonicity -- Name -- Narrow scope -- Necessary truth -- Opaque context -- Rigid designator
Semantic metalanguage
Atomic formula -- Aussagenlogik -- Boolesche Operatoren -- Formula -- Funktionale Applikation -- Interpretation function -- Lambda-abstraction -- Lambda-operator -- Metalanguage -- Meta-variable
Major branches of semantics
Lexical semantics
Ambiguity -- Antonym -- Cohyponym -- Complementary -- Holonym -- Hyperonym -- Hyponym -- Kohyponym -- Lexical ambiguity -- Lexical semantics -- Meronym
Sentence semantics
Affected object -- Agent -- Anomaly -- Arity -- Beneficiary -- Case relation -- Case role -- Conditional sentence -- Contradiction -- Declarative sentence -- Direktive -- Echo question -- Equivalence -- Ergativität -- Exclamative sentence -- Experiencer -- Expressive -- Homonymy -- Illocutionary force -- Imperative -- Implication -- Implicature -- Irrealis -- Jussiv -- Kāraka -- Kohortativ -- Kommissiv -- Konditional(is) -- Konjunktiv -- Kutscherimperativ -- Modality -- Mutuant -- Negation -- Optativ
Situation semantics
Alethische Modalität -- Epistemische Modalität -- Event time -- Internally caused situation -- Modality -- Mutual situation
Major approaches to semantic analysis
Cognitive semantics
Cognitive grammar -- Base (in Cognitive Grammar)
Formal semantics
Generalized Quantifier Theory -- Generative Semantics -- Intensional logic -- Katz-Fodor-semantics -- Logical semantics -- Model (semantics) -- Montague Grammar
Structuralist semantics
Componential analysis -- Conceptual Structure
Prototype semantics